Git Quick Reference
I’m just getting started using git and so far I’ve used mostly GitHub Desktop and WebStorm’s built-in git support. I’m adding some common commands here as a quick reference for myself when I need/want to use terminal instead.
- Remove a file from version control (untrack)
git rm --cached --force [path/to/file]
- Add a single file
git add [path/to/file]
- Add all files (excluding those in .gitignore)
git add .
- Switch branch
git checkout <<branch name>>
- Commit pending changes
git commit -m "<<Commit Message>>"
- Get latest from remote
git pull
- Create and switch to new branch, leaving unstaged pending changes in workspace. Then stage changes.
git checkout -b <<branch name>> git add *
- Push changes to remote where the branch doesn’t exist yet
git push --set-upstream origin <<branch-name>>
- Undo local changes to a tracked file
git checkout -- <<File Name1>> <<File Name2>>
- List remote branches that are not tracked locally
git fetch git branch -r
git remote show <remote-name>
- After fetching remote branches, check one of them out locally
git checkout -b <branch-name> <name-of-remote>/<branch-name>
Moving committed changes to a new branch
I sometimes accidentally commit changes on the master branch locally. If that is a protected branch on the remote server that you cannot commit directly to, you need to move these changes to another branch and rollback master.
Note: Any changes not committed will be lost.
git branch newbranch # Create a new branch, saving the desired commits
git reset --hard HEAD~3 # Move master back by 3 commits (GONE from master)
git checkout newbranch # Go to the new branch that still has the desired commits
But do make sure how many commits to go back. Alternatively, you can instead of HEAD~3, simply provide the hash of the commit (or the reference like origin/master) you want to “revert back to” on the master (/current) branch, e.g:
git reset --hard a1b2c3d4
Similar approach with slightly different commands
git checkout -b newbranch # Create a new branch that includes the desired commits (current state of master)
git checkout master # Switch back to master
git reset --hard HEAD~1 # Move master back by 1 commit (GONE from master)
git checkout newbranch # Go to the new branch that still has the desired commits
Ignoring changes for a tracked file
To prevent local changes for a specific file from being added to a Git commit, one can use the git update-index command with the –skip-worktree flag. This tells Git to ignore changes to the specified file in the working directory. Mark the file to be ignored.
it update-index --skip-worktree <file_path>
git ls-files -v
Files with the S flag in the output are marked with –skip-worktree. To revert and track changes again.
git update-index --no-skip-worktree <file_path>
This will remove the skip-worktree flag and changes will be tracked again.